Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lovely little birthday party for David last night, using food from Diamond Organics in the box that Jasch sent. No chicken, so I friend salmon cakes, chopped garlic and added it to the string beans, made cornbread, with gorgeous baby Sascha on my hip. Perfect. The kitchen was full of love and the good smells of cooking. David's co-parent (and my friend) Aliza was there, drinking tea, a Cuban friend of David's, drinking wine, the baby, the cat, and music. The kitchen warm and messy and bursting with life. At dinner, the grown-ups told bits and pieces of stories. The rest can be intuited from our own lives. Why love is so difficult. Why there is always an obstacle. How the darkness around us makes the beauty of this moment, and the sparkling baby shine more brightly.

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